gamlárskvöld á Monkeys
/ new years eve dinner at monkeys
Á gamlárskvöld verður einungis þessi samsetti matseðill á boðstólum. Aðeins er tekið við borðabókunum í info@monkeys.is
Það eru 2 setningar, annars vegar kl 17:30 / 18:00 og hins vegar kl 20:30 / 21:00
Allir gestir munu hafa 2,5 tíma á borðinu
On New Years Eve we will be serving a fixed menu only and reservations are only done via email info@monkeys.is
There are two seatings, at 17:30 / 18:00 and at 20:30 / 21:00
All guests will have 2,5 hours on their table
matseðill gamlárskvöld
/ new years eve dinner menu
Stökkir plantain bananar / Fried crispy plantains
Monkeys skelfisksúpan / Monkeys shellfish soup
Túnfiskur og andalifur / Tuna and foie gras
Tuna sashimi, foie gras parfait, crispy duck skin, soy and balsamic glaze
Laxa tiradito / Salmon tiradito
Salmon sashimi, sesame ponzu, chili macha, sesame seeds, chives
Miso nautalund / Miso tenderloin of beef
Nautalund, perúísk kartöflukaka, sveppa mole, eldpipar macha, sterkkryddaður kjúklingasoðgljái
Tenderloin of beef, peruvian potato cake, chili macha shitake mushroom mole, spicy chicken glaze
Kampavínsmús / Champagne mousse
Caramel and champagne mousse, cherries
Það eru 2 setningar, annars vegar kl 17:30 / 18:00 og hins vegar kl 20:30 / 21:00
Allir gestir munu hafa 2,5 tíma á borðinu
On New Years Eve we will be serving a fixed menu only and reservations are only done via email info@monkeys.is
There are two seatings, at 17:30 / 18:00 and at 20:30 / 21:00
All guests will have 2,5 hours on their table
fiskiseðill gamlárskvöld
/ pescetarian new years eve menu
Stökkir plantain bananar / Fried crispy plantains
Monkeys skelfisksúpan / Monkeys shellfish soup
Túnfisk tataki / Tuna tataki
Seared tuna, rucola, sesame ponzu, pickled onions and chili, yuzu mayo, sesame seeds
Laxa tiradito / Salmon tiradito
Salmon sashimi, sesame ponzu, chili macha, sesame seeds, chives
Þorskur í sætri miso / Cod in sweet miso
Léttsaltaður þorskhnakki í miso og mirin-marineringu, piparpólenta, stökkt grænmeti í tempura, sítrónugrasfroða, kryddjurtaolía, svört sítróna
Light salted fillet of cod in miso and mirin marinade, pepper polenta, deep fried vegetables in tempura, lemongrass foam, herb oil, black lemon
Kampavínsmús / Champagne mousse
Caramel and champagne mousse, cherries
vegan matseðill gamlárskvöld
/ vegan new years eve menu
Stökkir plantain bananar / Fried crispy plantains
Villisveppasúpa / Wild mushroom soup
Vatnsmelónu carpaccio / Watermelon carpaccio
Grilled watermelon, pink pepper, mushroom mayo, crispy salsify, rucolae
Stökktar grænmetis gyozur / Crispy vegetable gyozas
Deep fried gyozas, fermented cabbage and apple salad, chili, chili mayo, sesame ponzu
Miso sesamsteik / Miso sesame steak
Steik úr sesamfræjum, hnetum, sætum kartöflum og seljurót, maíssalsa, yuzu majó, salat, sætkartöflu-mauk, miso kartöflur, eldpiparmajó
Steak from sesame seeds, nuts, sweet potatoes and celeriac, served with corn salsa, yuzu mayo, sweet potato purée, salad, miso potato chips, chili mayo
Chia brownie
Chocolate and chia brownie, mixed berries, raspberry crumble, sorbet